

Everything you see on this web site is my domain. Now look to the left and right outsides of your browser. I don’t own that, but everything else…

Except for guest posts written by others, I own the content on this site, and it’s all copyrighted in my name.

There is a balance I’m going for – where my content is distributed all over the place while at the same time my rights are protected. In other words, treat this site like a party at a close friends house – please invite a few friends of your own, but don’t take the lamp or spill wine on the rug.

No permission required!

You can do all of the following without my permission:

  • Link to my site or any specific post on my site.
  • Extract & re-post less than 200 words on any other site, provided you link back to my original post.
  • Print off my posts and make up to 50 copies for internal distribution in your writers group, church, marketing agency, or meet-up.
  • Print my posts in any non-commercial publication (e.g., company newsletter, church newsletter, class syllabus, etc.), provided you include this copyright notice: “© 2013, David G. Allen. All rights reserved. Originally published at www.authordavid.com”

Stuff You’ll Need My Permission to Do:

Ask for my permission before you:

  • Use this content for commercial intent, including the sale or license of print or digital versions of my content.
  • Alter, Adapt, or build upon this work.

Reposting and Translation Rights

I don’t let people copy entire posts on other websites. This is mainly for your benefit, as search engines penalize websites that duplicate content. Worse case scenario, they may even blame me and penalize my site.

I want you to win – I want your site to get traffic and be found, so don’t copy.

On Translation: I don’t allow translation and publication of my work in other languages. I simply don’t have the resources to validate the quality of the work. If a large non-English speaking organization is willing and able to support the translation costs or can demonstrate a high demand for any of my books, they can contact me and I can discuss the potential there.

Guest Posts

Guest bloggers retain the copyright to the posts they write. The above permission guidelines do not apply to their work. If you are interested in re-posting or publishing their content, you must contact them directly. I am not broker, agent, or contact point for them.

Disclaimer and Affiliate Compensation

As per the FTC rules, I have to disclose whether I’m getting paid through links on my site. This includes whether I’m getting paid .08 cents for the amazon sale of an 8.00 shirt, partner with another company to sell their products, or if someone in a related industry took me out to lunch in exchange for promotion on the site. Because this is tedious to do every time, all readers should assume the following:

With every link and post regarding anything other than myself, just assume that I was given:

  • Food and Drink
  • Promotion Credit
  • Commission
  • Stock Options (select preferred, dividend-yielding shares are ideal)
  • Hard Currencies like Gold, Silver, Huge Tracts of Land, Copper, Platinum, Tantalum, etc.
  • Mentorship
  • Connections
  • …and a Healthy Dose of Compliments (Really, you ARE pretty. Don’t listen to what those mean people tell you!)

If you have some use for my content that is not covered here, email authordavidallen@gmail.com